Free Download | Dosage Claculations an Incredibly Easy

Written By share_e on Thursday, June 9, 2011 | 9:24 AM

Dosage Calculations: An Incredibly Easy! Pocket Guide provides time-starved nurses with critical information on calculating dosages accurately, in a streamlined, bulleted, quick-reference format. The book is pocket-sized for easy reference anytime, anywhere, and uses illustrations, logos, and other Incredibly Easy! features to help nurses grasp key points quickly. Chapters cover math basics; measurement systems; drug administration; oral, topical, and rectal drugs; parenteral drugs; I.V. infusions; and calculations for pediatric, obstetric, and critical care patients. Logos include Dodging Drug Dangers—advice on avoiding drug errors; Help Desk—best practices tips; Calculation Clues—aids for overcoming math phobias; and Memory Jogger—helpful mnemonics.