Free Download | Color Atlas of Physiology

Written By share_e on Thursday, June 9, 2011 | 9:26 AM

Now in its 6th edition, the "Color Atlas of Physiology" still convinces its readers. Whereas many large textbooks on physiology leave students floundering in a wealth of detail, this color atlas presents the subject in a concise, illustrative, and comprehensible way.It contains everything that medical students need to know to pass their pre-clinical physiology exams. For this edition, all of the 188 color plates and their accompanying texts have been revised and updated, taking into account the latest developments in research. All topics in the book are cross-referenced, presenting the subject as a series of interconnected processes. Blue highlights in and keywords below the texts display the most important clinical applications and pathophysiologic links.For 25 years, the authors and illustrators have improved and optimized this color atlas, making it the ideal study guide when reviewing the subject before an exam and a companion to look up the basics of physiology during clinical studies and practice.